Were in Logan, Utah!
So, we made it. After the last 2 weeks, and making a quick decision to sell our new car (that we got for Christmas) to come here. I can say that it was an insane idea, and honestly we never thought we would be here. We didn't plan on coming til May, but even then we had a feeling that would be too good to be true to happen. Living in a barn, and no one really caring if your physically around or not really changes your perspective on things. That was when Travis randomly mentioned that "it would be great if we could sell the car and just leave." I freaked out, and even though I didn't have much to leave behind. Giving away a car that was the newest and the best thing we ever have owned together was really hard. I grew up in a family with no car or transportation. I know the hassle of not having one and the burden I fell upon on everyone else. Still, I called the school (Utah State University) and explained the situation. I was getting very depressed and so was Travis. Everything was worse, and even with our jobs in Sarasota, FL we wouldn't have enough to move to Utah on. They told us on the beginning of March that we had to be at the school on March 11th. We agreed to be there even without knowing if the car would sell. If we missed our date, then we lose our apartment for good.
So, I was certain of this decision once we got the airplane tickets, car sold and everything. Then we made it to the airport and I fell apartment. Thank goodness Sasha was there. I got our boarding passes wet, I kept crying, I was shaking and I couldn't figure out my way around. I was very uncertain about leaving, and Travis was just calm. As for eventually getting on the plane ride. Travis was ecstatic, and love riding up and going down. I was nauseated and dizzy. I could barely handle the flights. On both flights we had jerky passengers. However, on the 2nd flight we met a whole bunch of mormons so we would just talk to them instead.
When we arrived. I can tell you now I am amazed by what people in Utah have done for us already. Our new Bishop and his wife met us at the airport at 11pm and drove us the hour and a half drive to a hotel room that the Bishop made reservations for. We were hungry at 3am so we decided to go for a walk. I never felt so safe at 3am, it was a gorgeous view of the town, snow, mountains, the Big "A" from our school, and the Logan temple. Just everything was quiet and nice. The next morning the same Bishop came and picked us up he took us to our apartment, furniture shopping so we could have a bed at night, and to wal-mart. It just amazed us. He got the ward to move in our furniture and he only gave them a 5 minute notice.
We got to our apartment and settled. However, before that we had about 10 people in our home that were all our neighbors and people from the church at the same time. Everyone lives in the same apartment community pretty much and let's just say it's awesome! Then we went out on Saturday and here is some video you can see of us:
We went out onto town and it was awesome! We could go anywhere with the free transportation, and the bus rides were only 5 minutes long. We took one bus to the mall and from there we could walk everywhere. We all know I am not a walker especially outside, however it wasn't bad at all. It was awesome. We haven't walked around too much recently though because we believe we brought Florida's stormy weather with us up here. It's not that cold and we can wear flip flops with snow on the ground next to us. It's really nice here!
Were getting used to the ward as it's almost the opposite of what we were in. Everyone is young and married and majority have kids. However, also majority of them grew up in the church and been on missions. I am really happy though to see that they are really smart, opinionated and are active. I guess we got into a temple going ward which is probably the thing we needed the most.
Were really excited for this blog as we are going to try and make it positive. Logan, is positive and trying to keep it that way. Soon I will post pics our our new home that we love and adore. Raja our orange kitty seems very happy too!
View from our bedroom window! |
Snow leaving the mountains for Spring... |
View from Wal-mart parking lot! Our wal-marts are bigger! |
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